Private Henry F. Gilbert - 1st Michigan Infantry - Gettysburg Reunion


Dedication - 1st Michigan Monument

Gettysburg - June 12th 1889

Former Union General Russell A. Alger is at far left


G.A.R. Reunion

1st Michigan Infantry - Albion, Michigan 1907

Henry F. Gilbert is standing in the front row in a white vest


G.A.R. Encampment

Greenville, Michigan - June 17, 1912

Back row, satnding, far left is Henry F. Gilbert, late Pvt. 1st Michigan Infantry, Co. E. Bunty Stevens is sitting bottom row, 3rd from right. His photo appears at top of white ribbon men are wearing.


Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - July 3rd, 1913

Reunion of Blue and Gray Veterans

Taken at "High Water Mark", the site of genral Pickett's charge. Henry F. Gilbert is standing between man wearing a Civil War cap and man raising hat in air, to right of tablet monument.


Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - July 3rd, 1913

Reunion of Blue and Gray Veterans
[Same monument as above photo]

Second from right is Pvt. Henry F. Gilbert, Company E 1st Michigan Infantry - 50th Anniversary of gettysburg battle, 1913. High Watermark - Pickett's Charge monument. Man 2nd from left is wearing a Confederate officer's uniform (Colonel, 3 stars on collar). Note that Union vets are dressed in dark suits, Confederates in gray. Confederate on left appears to be wearing an an original or copy of a Confederate officer's coat as indicated by insignia on collar, sleeves, and brass? buttons.


Taken at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania July 13, 1913

"We will all meet again, if not on earth, in heaven"

Henry F. Gilbert at right, late Private 1st Michigan Infantry Co. E


Elements of the 1st Michigan Infantry visiting their monument while attending the fiftieth anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1913. Monument is near Litle Round top. Note how trees that grew since the 1889 photo [1st photo at top] was taken has blocked the farm in background.

Henry F. Gilbert standing tallest to left of monument wearing white vest. Standing nearest him is Bunty Stevens. Both live in Albion, Michigan.