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Poles on the Fronts of World War II, 1939-1945 - Hardcover


Poles on the Fronts of World War II, 1939-1945 - Stefan Baluk. Hardcover, 9 1/2" x 13", 638 pages.

"This massive book is a photographic history of the participation of Poland and Poles in World War II. Though most people don't realize it, the Poles fought on an amazing number of fronts and campaigns in World War II, including Poland 1939 (obviously), Norway 1940, France 1940, the Battle of Britain 1940, the Battle of the Atlantic, the Middle East, North Africa, Italy, France 1944, the East Front, partisan warfare (including the two Warsaw Uprisings as well as Operation Tempest), and the Battle for Berlin.

The author, a veteran himself, has assembled a rather amazing collection of photographs, including some of the only photographs I have ever seen of Polish participation in some of the above campaigns. Moreover, he does so without much of the ideologically-driven antagonism that suffuses so many books about the war by Poles.
" - (Amazon Review)

  • Model: D-9L26A-0
  • Shipping Weight: 9lbs

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